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The 101 Great Goals Transfer page includes all the latest transfer gossip, rumours and confirmed moves.

101 Great Goals news is updated constantly, every day of the week.

We pride ourselves on finding the best sources for the latest information and giving our opinion on any likely transfer move or confirmed deal.

Transfer rumour & gossip

101 Great Goals focuses on English football – specifically the Premier League – but also has a global outlook as well.

You can also find on 101 Great Goals extensive transfer information both during the transfer windows as well as gossip and rumour throughout the year.

Locating the best foreign sources for transfer information can often see 101GG beat more established websites with information you want to know about!

We also have a tier system on transfers which means all writers are instructed on which sources to avoid.

The world wide web contains a lot of football rumours, our aim is to make sure we provide the best information for our users.

Transfers page on 101 Great Goals - FAQs

The 101 Great Goals website covers transfer news, rumour, gossip and confirmed deals. All transfer news on 101 Great Goals will be included on this page.
This page is updated all year long. As you might expect, there are more updates with regards to transfer during the winter and summer transfer windows.
It is very important to us to make sure that we use the very best sources for transfer news. 101 Great Goals also attempts to avoid sources which we simply do not trust, unless there is prolonged evidence that a previously untrustworthy source is providing accurate information.

Latest Transfers
